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‘India is full of life and culture’: US woman on why she chose India over America

Mrs. Fischer first visited India with her husband in 2017. The couple was so impressed by the country that two years later, they decided to move to New Delhi permanently.

Kristen Fischer, a mother of three from the United States, has captured attention online after sharing a heartfelt video explaining why she chose to leave America and settle in India. In the video, posted on her Instagram, she described her decision to move, explaining that India is full of life and culture, offering a deeper sense of “community, culture, and life” compared to the more “individualistic” society she experienced in the USA.

Her video quickly went viral, sparking conversations among internet users about the differences between life in the two countries.

Kristen’s journey to India

Mrs. Fischer first visited India with her husband in 2017. The couple was so impressed by the country that two years later, they decided to move to New Delhi permanently. In the video, she shared that this decision brought her immense happiness and fulfillment, which she struggled to find while living in America. “There is more to life than money,” she said with joy, adding that her time in India has been transformative.

India is full of life and culture
Image Source: Wikipedia

In her Instagram post, she expressed that many people have asked her why she would leave the USA, a place often seen as more desirable, to live in India. She acknowledged the well-meaning nature of these questions but said they often carry assumptions—that India is a lesser place to live and that she is worse off for making the move. However, Mrs. Fischer firmly believes otherwise.

In her video, Mrs. Fischer explained that while she still loves the United States, describing it as the place where she grew up and where her family lives, it is not without flaws. She pointed out that American society is highly individualistic, with an every man for himself mentality. People are generally less willing to go out of their way to help strangers, leading to a feeling of social isolation. According to her, life in the USA can be lonely, especially in comparison to India, where she feels a strong sense of togetherness and community.

She praised India for its rituals and culture, describing it as full of life, colour, and community. In her experience, people in India are hospitable and willing to help others, regardless of whether they know them or not. This sense of community has made her feel more connected and supported in her daily life.

The Impact on her children

Mrs. Fischer also told how her move to India has positively impacted her children. She believes they are being set up for a more successful and fulfilling life in India than they would have had in the USA. In India, they are surrounded by people, culture, and values that she feels will help them grow into well-rounded individuals.

“In India, you are never alone,” she added, contrasting this with the isolation many people feel in the United States. She noted that even Indian immigrants in America have told her they feel lonely and miss the social environment they had back home.

There is so much more to life than just making money

Mrs. Fischer also addressed the idea that people often move to America for better financial opportunities. While she acknowledged that it is easier to make money in the USA, she emphasized that money is not the only factor that determines happiness.

“There is so much more to life than just making money,” she said, explaining that joy, fulfillment, and community are more important to her when choosing a place to live and raise her family. For her, India offers all of these things in abundance, which is why she feels more fulfilled living there.

Mixed reactions of viewers

The video quickly went viral, attracting attention from people all over the world. Many viewers shared their own experiences of living in both India and America, offering a variety of perspectives on the differences between the two countries.

One user commented that while the USA does offer financial opportunities, the cost of living is high, and it is not easy to accumulate wealth. They noted that the purchasing power in India is often better, allowing people from different socioeconomic backgrounds to live together harmoniously.

Another user, who identified as a Tibetan born in India and now living in the Netherlands, shared a similar sentiment. They explained that life in India had been better for their mental and physical health and that they were considering moving back.

However, not everyone agreed with Mrs. Fischer’s viewpoint. Another user pointed out that it might not be fair to compare the two countries, as each has its pros and cons. While India offers a rich cultural experience, they noted, it lacks strong law enforcement, which can make it unsafe for some, especially women.

In addition to this, they mentioned that living in India can be expensive, with high taxes and minimal returns for the average citizen. Despite these challenges, the commenter was glad to see that Mrs. Fischer is enjoying her time in India and acknowledged that Indians are generally courteous and respectful towards foreigners.

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