
Study discovers that sports fans have better psychological benefits

Research indicates that people who strongly identify with a sports team feel more emotionally supported by fellow fans, boosting life satisfaction.

If you love watching sports, there’s good news, it can improve your mental health. A recent study from Anglia Ruskin University found that sports fans have better overall well-being than those who do not watch sports.

The study discovered that people who watched live sports in the past year felt less lonely and more satisfied with their lives. They also experienced fewer episodes of depression. Watching sports on TV can also provide similar benefits. The more often people watched sports, the better they felt.

Understanding Psychological Benefits

Watching sports offers more than just game excitement. According to researchers, the sense of belonging to a community is crucial. People make friends with those who share their interests, leading to stronger social bonds and emotional support.

psychological benefits
Image Source: Study Abroad Consultants

Research indicates that people who strongly identify with a sports team feel more emotionally supported by fellow fans, boosting life satisfaction. A Japanese study using brain imaging found that watching popular sports activates areas of the brain associated with psychological rewards.

Whether you watch from home or at a live event, the social and psychological benefits are the same. Researchers refer to this as “basking in reflected glory” when a team wins, and “cutting off reflected failure” helps fans cope when their team loses.

The sense of community extends beyond live events to watching sports on TV or online. This shared experience enhances well-being, providing social and emotional benefits.

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