
McDonald’s Customer Alleges Near-Death Experience Due to Cheese Allergy, Files Lawsuit

The lawsuit alleges that his throat started to itch and swell, accompanied by a burning sensation throughout his body

In a startling incident, Charles Olsen, a 28-year-old McDonald’s customer from Rockland County, has filed a lawsuit against a New York City McDonald’s, claiming he almost died after consuming a Big Mac containing cheese, triggering a severe milk allergy reaction. The lawsuit, filed in state Supreme Court last week, details the harrowing experience Olsen faced in February 2021.

Olsen, who has a documented severe milk allergy, ordered the Big Mac through DoorDash, specifying “NO American cheese” in his request, as evidenced by a screenshot attached to the lawsuit. The meal was delivered from the McDonald’s located at 335 Eighth Avenue.

Upon taking a few bites of the burger, Olsen immediately sensed that something was amiss. The lawsuit alleges that his throat started to itch and swell, accompanied by a burning sensation throughout his body. It was then that he realized the presence of milk in the meal and urgently informed his girlfriend, Alexandra, stating, “there’s milk in this!”

As Olsen’s body became covered in hives, and he struggled to breathe, his girlfriend rushed him to the hospital. The lawsuit reveals that he was admitted for anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, and doctors considered the possibility of intubation to ensure his survival. Hours passed before medical professionals could stabilize him.

Olsen, expressing his frustration through his lawyers, stated, “I’ve had to go through my entire life having to tiptoe around menus, dealing with staff that doesn’t know how to handle food allergies, and so on.” He emphasized that handling allergies should be a straightforward aspect for establishments. Olsen continued, “There’s no reason why it can’t be clearly listed, options aren’t included when making an order to indicate allergies, and the staff properly trained to handle such a simple thing.”

Adding to his plea for improved safety measures, Olsen said, “There has been progress made thankfully, but it is not enough. No one should have to fear for their health when they’re just trying to eat a meal.”

In response to the lawsuit, the owner of the McDonald’s franchise issued a statement, asserting, “Nothing is more important than the safety of our customers. We take every complaint seriously and are actively reviewing these claims.”

This alarming incident brings attention to the ongoing challenges faced by individuals with severe food allergies, emphasizing the need for comprehensive measures to ensure their safety when dining out. Olsen’s case sheds light on the potential risks associated with miscommunication or oversight in handling food allergies, even when explicit instructions are provided during the ordering process.

As the legal proceedings unfold, this case prompts a broader conversation about the responsibilities of food establishments in accommodating customers with allergies. The outcome of this lawsuit may influence industry practices and policies, prompting a reevaluation of existing protocols to prevent similar incidents and ensure the well-being of individuals with food allergies.

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