
Experts warn against setting multiple alarms in the morning

Each time an alarm sounds, the body experiences a "fight or flight response," increasing stress levels.

Many individuals set multiple alarms to ensure they wake up on time, believing that this practice will help them start their day more reliably. However, experts are warning that this common habit could lead to morning grogginess and long-term health problems. Instead of relying on several alarms, specialists recommend setting just one alarm to improve overall well-being and sleep quality.

Recent discussions on social media have brought this issue to light. TikTok user Jordan Bruss, whose video on the topic has garnered over 10 million views, highlighted the potential drawbacks of setting multiple alarms. In his video, Bruss advises against this habit, stating, “If you’re somebody who sets multiple alarms I have bad news. Don’t come for me. Just trying to help.” He emphasizes the importance of good sleep hygiene, noting, “Good sleep hygiene is a big part of my physical and mental health. I promise I would not be in the shape I am in without serious research in the deep sleep department. Don’t cause yourself extra physical and mental stress.”

Setting multiple alarms can significantly disrupt the final stage of the sleep cycle, known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This phase, which occurs towards the latter part of the night, is crucial for processing memories, enhancing creativity, and overall brain function. Bruss explains that waking up to multiple alarms frequently disrupts the REM cycle, leading to sleep inertia, increased drowsiness, fatigue, mood swings, and elevated cortisol levels.

multiple alarms
Image Source: Sleep Foundation

The Health Implications of Disrupted Sleep

The body’s response to multiple alarms involves a “fight or flight” reaction each time an alarm sounds. This response can increase stress levels, contributing to various health issues over time. Chronic stress, exacerbated by repeated alarm sounds, can lead to conditions such as stress, depression, and cardiovascular problems. According to the Joint Chiropractic site, the consistent disruption of sleep patterns and the resulting elevated cortisol levels are linked to weight gain. Bruss points out that “excess cortisol levels make you gain and hang on to weight,” further underscoring the negative impact of multiple alarms on physical health.

The practice of setting multiple alarms disrupts the body’s natural sleep rhythm, leading to inconsistent sleep patterns. This inconsistency can contribute to the body’s inability to regulate cortisol levels effectively, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. Bruss advises, “When the alarm goes off, it’s time, get up. You’ll look and feel better!” This recommendation aligns with promoting better sleep hygiene practices, which can significantly enhance physical and mental health.

Inconsistent sleep patterns caused by multiple alarms can also lead to long-term issues. Elevated cortisol levels, resulting from frequent awakenings, not only affect mood and stress levels but can also impact cardiovascular health. Chronic stress and poor sleep quality have been associated with increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other serious health conditions.

Experts suggest adopting strategies to improve sleep hygiene rather than relying on multiple alarms. These strategies include establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and using only one alarm set at a reasonable time. By focusing on these practices, individuals can avoid the detrimental effects associated with multiple alarms and foster a healthier sleep environment.

Adopting Better Sleep Hygiene

To mitigate the negative effects of setting multiple alarms, adopting better sleep hygiene practices is essential. Consistent sleep patterns and a conducive sleep environment play a significant role in improving overall health and well-being. Establishing a regular bedtime and wake-up time helps regulate the body’s internal clock, making it easier to wake up naturally without the need for multiple alarms.

Creating a relaxing bedtime routine can also help prepare the body for restful sleep. Activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing mindfulness before bed can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Additionally, ensuring that the sleep environment is comfortable and free from distractions, such as electronic devices, can enhance the quality of sleep and reduce the need for multiple alarms.

By focusing on these aspects of sleep hygiene, individuals can reduce the need for multiple alarms and improve their overall health. The goal is to foster a sleep environment that supports natural sleep cycles and minimizes disruptions, leading to better physical and mental well-being. As Jordan Bruss suggests, prioritizing good sleep hygiene can result in a more refreshing and healthful start to the day.

In conclusion, while setting multiple alarms may seem like a practical solution for waking up on time, it can have unintended consequences for both physical and mental health. Embracing better sleep hygiene practices and relying on a single alarm can improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and support overall well-being.

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