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Srinagar was recognised as a ‘World Craft City’, To boost the handloom and handicraft sector

A spokeswoman added that the expected rise in demand for Srinagar's distinctive crafts is expected to boost production, create jobs, and improve the lives of artisans and their families

The World Craft Council on Sunday evening, June 23rd, 2024, officially recognized Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, as a ‘World Craft City’, an official spokesperson said here, which would boost the handloom and handicraft sector, benefitting the tourism and infrastructure development.

World Craft City
Image Source: ASEF culture360 – Asia-Europe Foundation

“This prestigious honor underscores the city’s rich heritage and the exceptional skills of its artisans whose dedication and artistry have earned global acclaim,” the spokesperson said, PTI reported. Manoj Sinha, the lieutenant governor of Jammu and Kashmir, stated that the acknowledgement demonstrates the depth of Srinagar’s cultural heritage and is a tribute to the artist’s extraordinary skill and labor. According to PTI, Sinha also aimed to recognize Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “steadfast support” for the handicraft and handloom industries in Jammu and Kashmir.

The World Crafts Council AISBL (WCC-International) is an international non-profit dedicated to fostering the preservation, promotion, and advancement of global craftsmanship and traditional crafts. Founded in 1964, it has been affiliated with UNESCO under ‘consultative status (official partnership)’ for many years. Its founders include social reformer Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, apart from Aileen Osborn Vanderbilt Webb and Margaret M. Patch.

Boost in Tourism and Cultural Exchange

“We are committed to supporting our artisans and ensuring that this accolade brings tangible benefits to the community,” he said. Being named a “World Craft City” will revolutionize the handloom and handicraft industries, encouraging expansion, sustainability, and creativity. According to the spokesperson, Srinagar’s crafts will become more visible internationally as a result of more recognition, which will provide new markets and prospects for the local craftsmen.

The spokesman was cited by PTI as stating that the designation is anticipated to draw additional finance and investment, which would help with infrastructure development and the adoption of contemporary techniques while maintaining old practices. A spokeswoman added that the expected rise in demand for Srinagar’s distinctive crafts is expected to boost production, create jobs, and improve the lives of artisans and their families. Artisans will have access to advanced training programs and workshops, which will further hone their skills and foster innovation.

Offering immersive encounters with thriving artisan communities is projected to draw in more tourists interested in the region’s culture and artisanal history. According to the spokeswoman, PTI, visitors will get the chance to see artisan workshops and cultural activities that highlight Srinagar’s rich history of handicrafts.

According to him, visitors looking for genuine experiences—like trips to artisan workshops and cultural events exhibiting Srinagar’s colorful crafts—will be drawn to the city by its rich cultural and craft legacy.

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