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Veteran astronaut Sunita Williams return to Earth delayed again

Sources say NASA had to keep Williams on the space station longer after they noticed five helium leaks and problems with a total of five of the Starliner 28 thrusters

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Another delay has ensued for the return of Indian-origin astronaut Sunita Williams to Earth, owing to a series of technical glitches with the Boeing Starliner spacecraft that transported her to space. Astronaut Sunita Williams, who embarked on her mission on June 5 and was initially scheduled to return to Earth on June 14 following a one-week stay in space, now faces a new delay with her return expected around June 26. NASA has not provided a fixed date for when the spacecraft will commence its return journey.

Sunita Williams return to Earth
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Sources say NASA had to keep Williams on the space station longer after they noticed five helium leaks and problems with a total of five of the Starliner 28 thrusters. This requirement assures at least 14 thrusters for a safe return to base. Today, both Sunita Williams and her fellow cosmonaut Butch Wilmore are securely located on the ISS, along with the other seven crew members. The ISS, or International Space Station, is said to be like a city in orbit above the Earth, is almost as large as a football field, and is utilized by astronauts from different space agencies for conducting experiments.

Challenges and Delays Leading to Return

In a press briefing, NASA stated that “our time and following our standard mission management team process.” They also mentioned that the spacecraft is ready for return in case of an emergency on the space station that necessitates bringing the crew back to Earth. 

The space agency mentioned that mission managers are assessing future return options after a scheduled spacewalk on July 2. They said, “Starliner is performing well in orbit while docked to the space station. We are strategically using the extra time to clear a path for some critical station activities while completing readiness for Butch and Suni’s return on Starliner and gaining valuable insight into the system upgrades we will want to make for post-certification missions.”

Prior to her return to space, veteran astronaut Sunita Williams encountered various challenges and delays because of the launch postponements of Boeing Starliner spacecraft by NASA. Upon entering the space station on June 7, the Indian-origin astronaut celebrated by dancing. While Williams has hailed the Boeing Starliner as an excellent spacecraft, several whistleblowers have come out to testify that Boeing and NASA are negligent. 

Managers at Boeing and NASA knew of technical problems with the spaceship but carried forward with the launch to avoid further delays, as revealed by whistleblowers. As of now, twenty whistleblowers allege NASA has dismissed their complaints. At the same time, Boeing, the aircraft manufacturer, has been faced with numerous complaints over technical defects, and several of its aircraft have developed severe problems mid-flight around the globe.

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