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UK Government to Ban Disposable Vapes to Fight Youth Vaping

Smoking is responsible for one in four cancer-related deaths, or some 80,000 deaths annually in the UK

Setting a bold precedent, On Monday (Jan 29), the United Kingdom is likely to say “no more” to disposable vapes, a strategic measure to tackle the rising issue of youth vaping. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government is not only focusing on banning vapes but also on making them less appealing to children by imposing strict restrictions on vape flavors.

Sunak’s administration has consistently expressed concern about the health challenges associated with vaping, leading to a proactive stance against tobacco as well. The upcoming legislation seeks to create a country-wide ban on vapes. This matches their promise to make sure kids under 15 can’t buy cigarettes.

Prime Minister Sunak said in a statement, “Alongside our commitment to stop children who turn 15 this year or younger from ever legally being sold cigarettes, these changes will leave a lasting legacy by protecting our children’s health for the long term.”


The proposed measures go beyond just banning disposable vapes; they also include restrictions on sweet and fruity flavors commonly used to target underage sales. Additionally, there will be a mandate for plain packaging for vapes or e-cigarettes, altering their display in shops to deter potential young consumers.

“As any parent or teacher knows, one of the most worrying trends at the moment is the rise in vaping among children, and so we must act before it becomes endemic,” declared the UK Prime Minister.

Sunak is expected to speak in detail on these measures during a school visit on Monday.

This move is part of the broader response to a public consultation on smoking and vaping, positioning the UK government to implement some of the world’s most stringent anti-smoking measures. Notably, last year, Sunak’s government announced a plan to ban the sale of cigarettes to anyone born on or after January 1, 2009, with the goal of creating a “smoke-free generation.”

The expected timeline for the latest measures to make vaping less appealing to children is toward the end of this year or early 2025, as reported by The Guardian. Although it is already illegal to sell any vape to anyone under 18 in the UK, the government emphasizes that disposable vapes are a “key driver behind the alarming rise in youth vaping.”

Health Risks of Smoking

The UK government is stressing the severe health risks associated with smoking, labelling it the nation’s primary preventable killer. Shockingly, smoking is responsible for one in four cancer-related deaths annually. The government’s emphasis on this issue highlights the urgency to address the impact of smoking on public health.

Alarming Rise in Youth Vaping

Recent figures present a concerning trend in the use of vapes among children, specifically 11 to 15-year-olds. Shockingly, nine percent of this age group is reported to be using vapes—a threefold increase in just the past three years. This highlights the urgent need to do something about the growing number of young people using vapes.

While the UK Vaping Industry Association argues that vapes pose significantly lower health risks than tobacco and that flavors play a crucial role in encouraging smokers to make the switch, doctors express concerns about the unknown long-term health impact of vaping on young people and their developing respiratory systems, not to mention the risk of nicotine addiction.

The government emphasizes that, along with the health benefits, the ban on disposable vapes would also contribute to environmental conservation, given that five million vapes are discarded each week.

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