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Saudi Arabia warns Pakistan to stop sending ‘beggars’ to the gulf nation

Beggars from Pakistan travel to the Middle East pretending to be on pilgrimages, or ziarats.

Saudi Arabia has warned Pakistan about the increasing number of beggars from Pakistan who are visiting the Kingdom under the pretext of religious pilgrimage. Saudi authorities have expressed alarm over this growing issue and have asked Islamabad to take immediate steps to prevent these individuals from entering the Gulf nation.

The Kingdom is concerned about the potential negative impact on its social and religious environment, urging Pakistan to address this matter seriously to maintain the sanctity of the pilgrimage process.

The Saudi authorities have also issued a warning, according to the Express Tribune newspaper, citing sources from Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, that if the situation is not under control, it may have a severe impact on Pakistani Umrah and Hajj pilgrims.
According to the article, “The Saudi Ministry of Hajj has issued a warning to Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs, urging action to prevent Pakistani beggars from entering the kingdom under Umrah visas.”

Saudi Arabia warns Pakistan
Image Source: The Washington Institute

The “Umrah Act,” which intends to control travel companies that facilitate Umrah visits and bring them under legal supervision, has been agreed to be introduced by Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs in response, the statement stated.

Furthermore, under the pretext of a religious pilgrimage, the ministry has requested that the Pakistani government devise measures to stop beggars from entering Saudi Arabia.

Prior to this, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi gave Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Ahmed Al-Malki the assurance that the mafia in charge of bringing beggars to Saudi Arabia will face severe consequences.
Mohsin claimed that this network is harming Pakistan’s reputation, hence the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has been tasked with taking action.

Beggars from Pakistan travel to the Middle East pretending to be on pilgrimages, or ziarats. According to Secretary Overseas Pakistanis Zeeshan Khanzada last year, the majority of visitors to Saudi Arabia on Umrah visas subsequently engage in beggarly-related activities.

The secretary of Overseas Pakistanis, Arshad Mahmood, noted last year that a number of Gulf nations had voiced worries about the conduct of Pakistanis living abroad, particularly with regard to their attitudes, work ethics, and involvement in criminal activity.
Ninety percent of beggars who are detained abroad are Pakistani, according to the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development.
The mafias that are sending beggars to Saudi Arabia are to be targeted by the FIA.

Incidents at Karachi Airport

At Karachi airport, the FIA removed 11 alleged beggars from an aircraft that was headed for Saudi Arabia one month ago.

When FIA authorities questioned the travellers during the immigration process, they revealed that they were there to beg.
Sixteen beggars posing as pilgrims were taken into custody when they attempted to board an aircraft headed for Saudi Arabia in September of last year with the intention of engaging in begging there.

According to Khanzada, most of the pickpockets detained within Mecca’s big mosque are Pakistani citizens, according to reports in the local press.

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Dr. Shubhangi Jha

Avid reader, infrequent writer, evolving

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