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Report alleges Elon Musk had relations with SpaceX intern and asked employee to have his children

A recent report has surfaced accusing Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, of engaging in sexual relationships with two of his employees, one of whom was an intern. Additionally, the report alleges that he asked another employee to have children with him.

The Wall Street Journal’s exclusive report highlights claims that Elon Musk fostered a work culture at both SpaceX and Tesla that made female employees feel uneasy. This adds to a series of allegations against Musk, who has also faced accusations of frequently using drugs like LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms, and ketamine, sometimes even in the presence of board members during work hours.

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Elon Musk was previously accused of promoting a “hostile work environment” characterized by frequent jokes about sexual harassment, unequal pay between men and women, and dismissing employees who voiced concerns. Former workers lodged complaints, describing a workplace culture under Musk’s leadership that tolerated or trivialized sexual comments and various forms of harassment.

According to the Wall Street Journal, female employees at Tesla reported receiving “an unusual amount of attention” from Elon Musk or “being pursued by him.” In a separate incident, a SpaceX flight attendant claimed that Musk exposed himself to her in 2016 and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex. A former SpaceX employee who left the company in 2013 alleged that Elon Musk repeatedly asked her to have his children. Musk, who is known to have at least 10 children, has previously stated his belief that the world is facing an underpopulation crisis and that people with high IQs should contribute to population growth. 

The report further alleged that a female SpaceX employee received multiple invitations from Elon Musk to visit his house at night. The following text exchange between them provides more context to these claims: 

“Elon Musk: “Come by! Look, it’s either me or 6 a.m. [exercise].”

Elon Musk: “I just finished the Model 3 production call. It’s definitely going to be hell for several more months.”

Elon Musk: “Are you coming over? If not, I will probably tranq out. Too stressed to sleep naturally.”

Elon Musk: “Probably best if we don’t see each other.”

The following morning, the woman texted Mr. Musk, saying, “Oh man. I’m sorry; I’d already fallen asleep. I’ve been a late-night person most of my life but have been trying to switch over because it seems responsible. Tbh. Sorry, I crashed last night.”

SpaceX and Elon Musk’s lawyers have argued that the matter is filled with ‘untruths’ and dismissed the report.” Gwynne Shotwell, president of SpaceX and chief operating officer, said, “The untruths, mischaracterizations, and revisionist history in your email paint a completely misleading narrative. I continue to be amazed by what this extraordinary group of people are achieving every day, even amidst all the forces acting against us. And Elon is one of the best humans I know.” 

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