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Pakistan declares Israeli PM as a Terrorist amid economic challenges

The decision came after the Pakistani government reached an agreement with the Islamist party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP).

Amidst severe economic challenges in the country, Pakistan has taken a controversial step by declaring the Israeli PM as a terrorist. This move has gathered support from the terrorist group Hamas, highlighting Pakistan’s stance against Israel in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The decision came after the Pakistani government reached an agreement with the Islamist party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) following a series of anti-Israel protests across the country. The government then declared Netanyahu a terrorist and labelled Israel as a terrorist state. The government statement, as reported by The Express Tribune, reads, “Netanyahu is responsible for atrocities committed by Israeli forces in Palestine, and we consider him a terrorist and demand the world community declare Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a terrorist.”

Israeli PM as a Terrorist
Image Source: Observer Research Foundation

This declaration is part of an agreement between the Pakistani government and TLP which includes forming a committee to identify businesses with links to Israel for a potential boycott. Rana Sanaullah, Adviser on Political Affairs to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, said, “A committee has also been constituted to identify such companies and products in Pakistan that may be directly or indirectly abetting Israel or forces committing war crimes against Palestinians.”

Domestic Reactions to the Terrorist Designation

Hamas, the Gaza-based terrorist group responsible for the October 7 attack on Israel that restarted the current conflict, has praised Pakistan’s actions. Hamas issued a statement calling Pakistan’s designation a “step towards supporting our people who are subjected to genocide and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Zionist terrorists and an expression of the genuine historical positions of the Pakistani people, government, and parties in support of the first cause of Muslims.”

Pakistan’s stance against Israel is not new. This country has never recognized the State of Israel and has consistently voiced opposition in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The recent terrorist designation of Netanyahu came after significant protests by TLP, which saw thousands of activists taking to the streets of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, causing major problems to daily life.

The newly formed committee focuses on identifying companies operating within Pakistan that have direct or indirect links to Israel. This move is a response to calls within Pakistan to boycott products from companies perceived as supporting Israeli military actions. The intent is to sever economic ties and apply pressure in response to injustices against Palestinians.

The Pakistani government’s decision has seen significant attention both domestically and internationally. While it runs parallel with the sentiments of certain political factions and Islamist groups within Pakistan, it is also straining Pakistan’s already delicate international relations, particularly with nations that have strong ties with Israel.

As Pakistan is struggling with its economic difficulties, including seeking bailouts to stabilise its economy, the government’s focus on international political stances highlights its commitment to certain ideological positions.

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