World News

China is strengthening Pakistan Army’s defence along the LoC in Kashmir

The continued presence of Chinese military personnel in the region has raised concerns, with India expressing objections to Chinese activities in Gilgit and Baltistan areas in the past

China has significantly strengthened the defense capabilities of the Pakistani army along the (Line of Control) LoC in Kashmir over the past three years, according to officials.

The enhancements include the construction of steelhead bunkers, provision of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Combat Aerial Vehicles (CAVs), and installation of encrypted communication towers connected by underground fiber cables.

Chinese Military Enhancements Along the LoC in Kashmir

Advanced radar systems, such as the ‘JY’ and ‘HGR’ series, have been deployed along the LoC to improve medium and low-altitude target detection capabilities. These radar systems also provide crucial intelligence support for both the army and air defense units. Additionally, Chinese-made SH-15 truck-mounted howitzer guns have been observed at various locations along the LoC.

LoC in Kashmir
Image Source: Observer Research Foundation

China’s efforts are seen as an attempt to strengthen its ties with Pakistan and protect its investments in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), particularly related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Although senior People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officials were not detected at forward posts, intercepted communications suggest that Chinese troops and engineers are establishing infrastructure along the LoC, including the construction of underground bunkers.

Chinese experts have been involved in tunnel construction in the Leepa Valley of PoK, indicating preparations for an all-weather road that will connect with the Karakoram highway. This strategic move is closely linked to Beijing’s ambitious $46 billion CPEC project, which aims to create a direct route between Gwadar Port in Pakistan and Xinjiang province in China via the Karakoram highway—an area currently under China’s disputed occupation.

Image Source: Statecraft

In 2007, a Chinese telecom company acquired a Pakistani telecom firm, forming China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak), a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile Communications Corporation. In August 2022, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) renewed CMPak’s mobile license for PoK and allowed the expansion of ‘Next Generation Mobile Services’ (NGMS) in the region.

While the Indian Army has not commented on this matter, intelligence agencies are reportedly monitoring the developments closely.

The continued presence of Chinese military personnel in the region has raised concerns, with India expressing objections to Chinese activities in Gilgit and Baltistan areas in the past. As tensions persist, India remains vigilant and prepared to counter any potential threats from across the border.

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Dr. Shubhangi Jha

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