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China's Ai driven sex dolls set to ignite the sex toy market

These AI-enhanced sex dolls with numerous capabilities, available in male and female versions, will soon be available for purchase

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to dominate the tech world, the sex toy industry is also reaping its benefits. According to recent developments, China is focusing on creating AI-powered sex dolls that can interact and communicate with users, enhancing the overall intimacy experience.

A report by South China Morning Post (SCMP), highlights the efforts of Chinese scientists and engineers to incorporate ChatGPT-like technology into sex robots, aiming to develop interactive AI-powered companions despite technical and ethical challenges.

sex dolls
Image Source: Mercury Publicity

Starpery Technology, a leading producer of sex dolls, in Shenzhen, is training its advanced language model to integrate artificial intelligence into its products. These AI-enhanced sex dolls with numerous capabilities, available in male and female versions, will soon be available for purchase.

The CEO of the company, Evan Lee had a conversation with SCMP earlier this month. He said, “We are developing a next-generation sex doll that can interact vocally and physically with users, with prototypes expected by August this year.”

“Technological challenges remain, particularly in achieving realistic human interaction, while simple dialogue is easy, creating interactive responses involves complex model development by specialised software companies,” he added.

Further expressing his views on conventional dolls, Lee said they lack the ability to interact with humans as they can not assist them with responses and expressions, while the AI-powered doll will give them a more realistic experience.

“The new generation of sex dolls, powered by AI models and equipped with sensors, can react with both movements and speech, significantly enhancing the user experience by focusing on emotional connection rather than just basic conversational abilities,” Lee clarified.

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