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Biden, Trump to confront each other in first US presidential debate

The debate will take place at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience present and both Biden and Trump will not be permitted to bring any pre-written notes onto the stage

After exchanging verbal jabs for months, the two presidential candidates will face each other in the first US presidential debate on Thursday. The Democratic leader, Biden (81), is being doubted by Americans regarding his ability to handle another 4-year term, citing his age. Biden will have an opportunity to reassure them that he is capable of handling another term.

The debate will take place at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience present. Both Biden and Trump will not be permitted to bring any pre-written notes onto the stage.

US presidential debate
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Both candidates are doubted based on age and mental fitness. The Republican leader, Donald Trump (78), has always been prone to making weird and strange statements. Trump has received major backlash after his chaotic term of 2017-21.

Preparation for the US Presidential Debate

According to a recent Ipsos poll, undecided voters are looking at mental fitness as a key issue ahead of the November 5 elections. The report also suggests that they are more concerned about Biden.

This debate will play a critical role in influencing the outcome of the elections. Voters will decide based on how well the leaders perform during this debate. A strong performance could increase their chances, whereas a poor one could harm the political campaign.

Another Reuters Ipsos poll indicated that 78 per cent of respondents including 71 per cent of Democrats, thought Biden was too old to serve in government, whereas 53 per cent expressed the same opinion for Trump.

The opponents and conservative media have continuously targeted Biden’s age, considering him too old for the second term. They have used fake and misleading edited videos portraying him as weak and unstable.

Realizing that this debate could significantly impact his campaign, Biden has spent almost a week at a “debate camp” with key advisors at the Camp David presidential retreat in the mountains of western Maryland. He plans to stay there until he heads to Atlanta on debate day. He is spending hours practising for the debate.

Many of his democrats are concerned about how well, Biden will perform. One of a close democrat said age is obviously a challenge and an obstacle for Biden, “I think it’s always about, does he project strength and confidence? I think he’s just got to demonstrate that he’s in command of his agenda and confident on stage, and I think he’ll do that,” he added.

John Morgan, a Florida attorney and Biden’s supporter said he wants Biden to address the question of age right away during the debate.

Biden should “talk about his physical and mental fitness compared to the other guy. He should challenge Trump to a Peloton ride and let the country see who is fitter and stronger. I’m not joking,” Morgan said.

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