Most people strive to live virtuous lives, often engaging in religious practices with hopes of attaining paradise. Conversely, some believe that those who stray from the path of righteousness face consequences in the afterlife. But what happens when someone claims to have seen the afterlife and returns to tell the story?
A Reddit user recently shared a jaw-dropping story about a friend who claimed to have "died for three minutes and come back to life."
This sensational account detailed a conversation with their friend, who allegedly experienced death and returned with newfound insights. After this near-death experience, the friend reportedly underwent a profound transformation, dedicating his life to doing good deeds.
According to the Reddit post, the man overdosed on drugs and was being rushed to the hospital when he was declared medically dead in the ambulance. His heart had stopped, and medical professionals believed his chances of recovery were slim. But, astonishingly, after three minutes, he revived, leaving doctors baffled.
"He remembers the stroke incident, and being taken to the ambulance on a stretcher. After this, his heartbeat ceased. The doctors told him that he had died. But he woke up after 3 minutes. The doctors were taken aback, as his heart had stopped for a significant period," the friend recounted on Reddit.
During those three minutes of clinical death, the man described an eerie sensation of being submerged in ice-cold water, surrounded by darkness. He felt no emotions, only an acute awareness of his presence in this cold, sightless void. Upon recovering in the hospital, he was haunted by the belief that he had glimpsed hell.
“However, in the ensuing days, he became convinced that what he had experienced was indeed hell. He interpreted it as a warning to change his life," his friend explained.
The Reddit post garnered a lot of attention, with many users sharing their own thoughts and experiences. One commenter wrote, “Wow! This reminded me of a dream my mother had. She told me about it in my childhood and said that when she woke up, she saw flames rising in the room and people screaming. Then she blinked, and it vanished. She was convinced that this was a sign that she was going to hell. From then on, she started doing more good deeds. She is a truly good person."
Another user shared a chilling perspective, “This is precisely what hell is like. You are alone in the dark, consumed by the feeling of eternal solitude. No fire, no demons torturing you. Just – endless darkness and the feeling of utter isolation."