If you're a guy reading this, don’t worry there’s no judgment here and if you’re a woman, well, you were right all along, women do mature faster! While we’ve always known that men and women mature at different rates, now we have the official research to back it up.
According to a recent survey commissioned by Nickelodeon UK, men, on average, don’t reach full maturity until the age of 43 which is 11 years later than women, who typically mature at 32. But a little immaturity can be a good thing in relationships the study revealed which is why men are the stars of the show, both in life and on screen.
Men’s Top 30 Maturity Fails
The survey reveals some of the most common signs that men might still have a bit of growing up to do. Take a look and see if any of these sound familiar:
Finding your own farts and burps hilarious
Eating fast food at 2 a.m.
Playing video games
Driving too fast
Staying silent during an argument
Not being able to cook simple meals
Re-telling the same old jokes and stories
And there are 23 more where that came from. From playing practical jokes to owning a skateboard in your thirties, guys have their special ways of staying young at heart.
The Charm of Immaturity
Despite all these so-called "immature" habits, many women secretly find some of them endearing. A little childishness can keep relationships fun, fresh, and downright adorable. In fact, 4 out of 10 people believe a bit of immaturity is essential for keeping the spark alive, and 1 in 3 agree that it helps bond with children.
Maturity may come later for some, but it’s all part of the process. Men and women may reach maturity at different paces, but it’s the blend of both that makes relationships interesting and entertaining.