
Budget 2024: ₹1,309.46 crore allotment suggests continued delay for Census and NPR in 2024 too

According to the officials, the entire process of census and NPR will nearly cost Rs 12,000 crore to the government.

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the budget for 2024-25 on Tuesday, allocating just ₹1,309.46 crore for the Census and NPR in 2024. This amount represents a significant reduction compared to the ₹3,768 crore allocated in 2021-22. This move by the government suggests that the census is unlikely to occur this year as well.

The decennial activity has faced a significant delay, as it was originally scheduled to begin in 2021, based on the timeline of the previous census.

The proposal to conduct the census of India in 2021 was approved in a union cabinet meeting on December 24, 2019, and a cost of Rs 8,754.23 was estimated for conducting the census. Additionally, NPR was costing Rs 3,941.35.

Census and NPR in 2024
Image Source: Advocate India

However, The NPR and house listing phase of the census, which was scheduled to begin from April 1 to September 30, 2020, were postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Since then the census remains on hold.

According to the officials, the entire process of census and NPR will nearly cost Rs 12,000 crore to the government. Some officials believe that the census will not be carried out in 2024 as the general elections had taken place this year.

Cost and Timeline of Census and NPR in 2024

The upcoming Census and National Population Register (NPR) process, scheduled for 2024, is set to be a major undertaking for the Indian government, with an estimated cost of Rs 12,000 crore. This ambitious project aims to provide a comprehensive and updated demographic overview of the country. However, there is speculation among some officials that the census might be postponed, as the general elections for this year could impact the scheduling and execution of the census activities.

When the Census and NPR in 2024 do take place, they will mark a significant departure from traditional methods. For the first time, the census will be conducted digitally, allowing citizens the option to self-enumerate rather than relying solely on government enumerators. This shift towards digitalization reflects a broader trend towards leveraging technology to streamline administrative processes and improve efficiency.

The Census and NPR in 2024 will introduce a self-enumeration portal designed to facilitate the digital collection of data. Although this portal has yet to be launched, it is expected to be a key feature of the upcoming census. The self-enumeration option will enable individuals to fill out their census forms online, providing greater convenience and potentially improving the accuracy of the data collected.

To support this digital transition, the NPR has been made mandatory for those opting to complete the census form on their own. The NPR, which involves collecting and maintaining data on the population, will play a crucial role in this process, ensuring that the information gathered is comprehensive and up-to-date.

The transition to a digital census is expected to streamline data collection and processing, making it easier for the government to compile and analyze the information. This modern approach aligns with global trends in data management and reflects the government’s commitment to utilizing technology for administrative efficiency.

Details of the Census Questionnaire

The Census and NPR in 2024 will involve a detailed questionnaire prepared by the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner. This questionnaire will consist of 31 questions designed to capture a wide range of information about the population. The questions will cover various aspects of daily life and infrastructure, providing a comprehensive snapshot of living conditions across the country.

Topics addressed in the questionnaire will include:

  • Technology and Household Items: Questions will cover the types of technology used by residents, such as mobile phones and internet access, as well as household items like motorcycles.
  • Basic Amenities and Infrastructure: The census will inquire about the main source of drinking water, lighting, access to latrines, and the type of latrine used. Additionally, it will address the availability of bathing facilities, kitchens, LPG/PNG connections, and cooking fuels.
  • Household Conditions: Questions will also focus on the condition of the census house, including the predominant materials used for floors, walls, and roofs, as well as the total number of people residing in the household.
  • Demographic Information: Basic demographic details will be collected, such as whether the head of the household is a woman, whether they belong to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, the number of exclusive dwelling rooms, and the number of married couples living in the household.

This extensive questionnaire aims to provide a detailed understanding of living conditions and socio-economic factors, which will be valuable for policy-making and planning.

The Census and NPR in 2024 represent a significant advancement in how demographic data is collected and managed in India. By incorporating digital methods and self-enumeration, the government aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the census process. The detailed questionnaire reflects a comprehensive approach to data collection, covering a wide range of topics that will provide valuable insights into the living conditions and demographics of the population.

As the preparation for Census and NPR in 2024 progresses, the introduction of digital tools and self-enumeration options is expected to improve both the quality of data and the overall efficiency of the process. This modern approach aligns with global best practices in data management and underscores the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for administrative and policy advancements.

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