A 55-year-old man named Paresh Doshi from Gujarat’s Narmada district is facing a heartbreaking situation. His effort to rescue a stray dog ended tragically with the death of his wife, Amita. The incident occurred near Daan Mahudi village on the Kheroj-Khedbrahma highway on Sunday afternoon.
According to reports by Times of India, Paresh Doshi and his wife Amita were returning home after offering prayers at the Ambaji Temple. However, tragedy struck when a street dog suddenly darted in front of their car. In a split-second decision, Doshi swerved to avoid hitting the canine, causing the vehicle to collide with makeshift pillars and barricades along the roadside. Tragically, one of the barricades broke through the passenger window, pinning Amita to her seat and inflicting grievous injuries.
Despite the efforts of bystanders who rushed to their aid and managed to free them from the wreckage, Amita succumbed to her injuries on the way to the hospital. Distraught by the loss of his beloved wife, Paresh Doshi took the unprecedented step of filing an FIR against himself, citing negligence in driving as the cause of the accident.
Doshi recounted the terrifying experience, explaining, “Due to the impact, the auto lock mechanism got engaged, trapping us inside.” He expressed deep remorse over the tragic outcome of his attempt to avoid hitting the stray dog, acknowledging his responsibility for the accident that claimed his wife’s life.
The incident highlights the grave consequences of the stray dog menace prevalent in India. With an estimated 62 million stray dogs nationwide, incidents of accidents and injuries involving these animals have become alarmingly common. According to WHO, India accounts for 36 per cent of global deaths caused by rabies, with stray dog attacks being a significant contributor to this statistic.
The situation has prompted authorities to take action, with the Gujarat High Court acknowledging the growing concern over the menace of stray dogs. In cities like Ahmedabad, where 60,000 cases of stray dog bites have been reported, efforts are underway to address the issue and ensure the safety of residents.
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