A new survey shows that 91% of people claim they are no longer friends with somebody they once called their best friend. Have you ever noticed some of the closest friendships fading over time? This is not a very surprising thing considering how much friendships can vary over time.

According to the survey, life changes are mostly responsible for these changing friendships. Personal growth, relocation to a different town, and work or change in schooling play a major role in this.

Sometimes, as people change, their paths no longer coincide, making it harder to stay close to friends they used to meet on a daily basis.

Experts say that the end of a friendship does not necessarily mean something went wrong or that the relationship turned sour. Alternatively, they see it very normally. People change, their interests change, and they sometimes outgrow relationships that they feel are no longer appropriate for their current lives. Professionals say it's not about negativity but about life changes.

Many drift apart, but most acknowledge that they look back lovingly on their childhood friends. Many admit they still look back fondly on their old friendships. Many still cherish the memories, the fun times, and the lessons they learned from their best friends of the past. It's not about forgetting these friendships but understanding that things change.

Although social media does offer a way of keeping track of your old friends, experts contend that the emotional distance may increase even more. While we may see posts or photos from old friends, the emotional bond may not be the same as it once was. So, even though we can stay connected online, the feeling of being close might fade.

At the end of the day, it is normal for friendships to end. People go and come and simply change the direction of life. Rather than being upset over losing touch with your old friends, you can focus on the good memories and lessons from those friendships. Life is full of new people to meet and new relationships to build.

Friendships are part of our journey, and while some might fade, others will grow and evolve along the way!