
16-year-old Kaamya becomes youngest Indian to summit Everest from Nepal Side

At 16 years old, a girl reached the summit of Mount Everest, becoming the youngest Indian to achieve this feat.

Kaamya Karthikeyan, a 16-year-old student from Navy Children School in Mumbai, has become the youngest Indian and the second youngest person in the world to climb Mount Everest from Nepal side. Accompanied by her father, Commander S. Karthikeyan, a naval officer, she successfully reached the summit on Monday.

Kaamya Karthikeyan Achieves Historic Feat by Summiting Everest from Nepal Side

This achievement was shared by Commander Mehul Karnik, Chief Public Relations Officer of the Western Naval Command, who said, “After this feat, she has become the second youngest girl in the world and the youngest Indian mountaineer to summit the world’s highest peak from the Nepal side.”

Everest from Nepal Side
Image Source: Seven Natural Wonders

The Indian Navy commended her for demonstrating immense courage and determination in summiting the highest peaks on six of the seven continents, saying, “The Indian Navy wishes young Kaamya the very best in her aspiration to summit the highest peaks of all seven continents, becoming the youngest girl to do so. #7SummitsChallenge.”

Adding another feather to her cap, Kaamya Karthikeyan has successfully climbed the highest peaks on six continents. Her next challenge is to scale Mount Vinson Massif in Antarctica this December, aiming to become the youngest girl to complete the ‘7 Summits challenge’. In 2020, Kaamya became the youngest girl in the world to climb Mount Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America and outside of Asia. 

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