
Pakistani intelligence operatives target students in Jammu to seek sensitive info

Students of army public schools are getting calls and WhatsApp messages from Pakistani Intelligence Operatives (PIOs), asking them to join particular social media groups and share sensitive information

Many students from Army Public Schools across India have reported receiving unsolicited calls and WhatsApp messages from individuals claiming to be Pakistani Intelligence Operatives (PIOs). These operatives are luring students into joining social media groups and asking them to share sensitive information. The situation came to light as the students received communication from two mobile phone numbers: 8617321715 and 9622262167, which have been identified as the primary sources of these messages.

According to Army sources, these PIOs adopt illusive tactics to engage with the students. Posing as school teachers, they manipulate the students into joining “new class groups” by sending them one-time passwords. Once the students become part of these groups, they are manipulated into disclosing confidential information.

The PIOs are cunning in their approach. To convince the students that the communication is genuine, they initiate the conversation with references to familiar topics, making it appear as if their own teachers are reaching out to them.

The advisory issued by the principals of Army Public Schools cautions students about the specific information the PIOs are seeking. The operatives are known to inquire about details such as the students’ fathers’ occupations, school routines and timings, teachers’ names, and even uniform specifics. By gathering this information, the pak operatives may potentially exploit it for wicked purposes.

Schools and colleges are urged to take proactive measures to protect their students. Teachers and students alike should be educated about the potential risks and how to recognize suspicious online activities. Parents, in particular, are encouraged to remain vigilant and promptly report any suspicious calls or messages.

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