
Daily marijuana use now more common than daily alcohol use in the US

A Carnegie Mellon University study reveals that in the U.S., daily or near-daily marijuana users now outnumber those who consume alcohol daily or nearly every day.

A new study suggests a significant shift in substance use habits within the United States. For the first time in over four decades, daily marijuana use has surpassed daily alcohol consumption among Americans. This trend coincides with growing public acceptance and legalization of recreational marijuana use across the country.

The study, based on data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, reveals that in 2022, an estimated 17.7 million people reported using marijuana daily or near daily. This number outpaces the estimated 14.7 million people who reported daily or near-daily alcohol consumption in the same year. Notably, in 1992, daily marijuana use was at a low point, with less than 1 million people reporting such frequent use.

Daily Marijuana Use Surpasses Alcohol Consumption in the United States

The study’s author, Jonathan Caulkins, a cannabis policy expert at Carnegie Mellon University, credits this shift to marijuana’s increasing public acceptance and legalization for recreational use in over half of US states.

While alcohol is still more widely consumed, the study emphasizes the huge increase in frequent marijuana usage. Furthermore, the study found that the daily or near-daily marijuana usage pattern is more similar to tobacco use than to average alcohol intake.

Daily marijuana use
Source: Marijuana Moment

Dr. David A. Gorelick, a psychiatry professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine who did not participate in the study, expressed concern that frequent marijuana usage could lead to addiction. The large number of everyday users shows a possible increase in problematic cannabis usage or dependence.

The study’s findings coincide with recent government discussions about marijuana legalization and classification. Several states have already legalized medicinal or recreational marijuana usage, and Florida voters will vote on a recreational marijuana legalization ballot initiative in November 2024. Furthermore, the federal government is considering reclassifying marijuana as a less harmful substance.

Daily marijuana use
Medicinal marijuana buds are dried at the Stability Cannabis wearhouse in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022.Medicinal Marijuana 10

The study’s findings provide useful insights on altering substance usage patterns in the United States. As legalization attempts gain traction and public opinion shifts, it will be critical to monitor the long-term impacts of increased marijuana consumption and develop appropriate regulations to address any public health issues.

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