
12-year-old Bengaluru girl develops stomach hole after consuming liquid nitrogen paan

Ingesting smoky paan at a wedding reception proved deadly for a 12-year-old from Bengaluru, who had a part of her stomach removed after the experience.

A 12-year-old in Bengaluru has suffered perforation peritonitis after consuming liquid nitrogen paan infused at a wedding reception. According to Times of India, the girl complained of unbearable stomach pain after eating the paan— which she had wanted to try because “it looked interesting and everyone else was trying it too,” she said. However, within minutes of ingesting this paan, she experienced severe stomach discomfort and was promptly rushed to the hospital.

“No one else was hurt or felt any pain, but the discomfort I experienced was terrifying,” she said, after the experience. 

consuming liquid nitrogen paan
Source: The Indian Express

Perforation peritonitis, commonly referred to as a hole in the stomach, is when a part on the wall of the gastrointestinal tract ruptures, leading to the leakage of it’s contents in the peritoneal cavity and causing inflammation and infection of the peritoneum. This is a life-threatening condition, that must be addressed with urgent care and one of the side effects of ingesting liquid nitrogen.

Narayana Multispeciality Hospital had been in charge of her treatment and they made the call to operate on her quickly and avoid further complications. The girl underwent an exploratory laparotomy with intra-op OGD scopy and sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This surgery resulted in the removal of a portion of her stomach, measuring about 4x5cm on the lesser curvature. 

Dr Vijay HS, leading the team at Narayana and the operating surgeon, described this surgery as, “Intra-op OGD scopy is a procedure where an endoscope, a flexible tube equipped with a camera and a light, is used during surgery to examine the esophagus, stomach and duodenum – the first part of the small intestine.”

consuming liquid nitrogen paan
Source: Prag news

He also emphasised on the importance of acknowledging and understanding these cases and their causes in the growing landscape of liquid nitrogen and dry ice fuelled culinary. “As the popularity of liquid nitrogen in culinary circles continues to grow, it’s crucial for individuals to exercise caution and prioritise safety. Vigilance and increased awareness are essential to avoid potentially devastating consequences,” Dr Vijay HS said.

The paan the girl ingested was said to be smoky paan and it had looked curious and interesting to her. It had been decorated with liquid nitrogen, which is often used in styling and plating food and in some cases— in the food itself. Gourmet restaurant ice creams use liquid nitrogen in making their ice creams because liquid nitrogen forms microscopic ice crystals, creating ice creams that have a softer, silkier texture than any machine can. Liquid nitrogen freezes rapidly, to extreme temperatures, and when served with dishes it appears to make foggy halo that adds a theatrical element to the plating in dining couture.

However, this is not the first time its use has had downsides. In 2017, a man from Gurugram drank a cocktail infused with liquid nitrogen and an entire half of his stomach had to be removed. Earlier this year, a Davanagere city shop owner had his license revoked because a boy had fallen sick after consuming the biscuits he had prepared using liquid nitrogen. 

The Bengaluru girl was discharged after six days but it brings to mind what Dr Vijay HS said, “We must take these isolated incidents seriously before they become a pattern.”

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