
Research finds many dark chocolate bars contain lead and other dangerous elements

The researchers noted that the heavy metals found in chocolate are unlikely to pose significant risks when consumed in single servings.

Recent research has revealed that many dark chocolate and cocoa products sold nationwide contain levels of toxic heavy metals that exceed food safety guidelines. Notably, some chocolate bars contain lead, raising concerns among experts and industry representatives. While this finding should not discourage people from enjoying chocolate, it underscores the need for closer examination and scrutiny of these products.

Researchers from George Washington University and ConsumerLab, a company specializing in food and supplement testing, analyzed over 70 dark chocolate and cocoa products from retailers such as Amazon, GNC, and Whole Foods Market over an eight-year period. Their study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Nutrition, found that 43% of the products exceeded acceptable levels of lead per serving, and 35% surpassed the acceptable levels of cadmium, based on California’s stringent food safety guidelines.

chocolate bars contain lead
Image Source: Everyday Health

California’s guidelines are often used as a conservative benchmark for food safety, as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not set limits for many toxins, including cadmium and arsenic, and only regulates lead in specific products like candy or baby food. Notably, none of the tested products exceeded California’s maximum level for arsenic, and nearly all—97%—had lead levels below FDA limits.

The researchers noted that while the heavy metals found in chocolate are unlikely to pose significant risks when consumed in single servings, they could become problematic if consumed in larger quantities or alongside other products containing heavy metals, such as teas or spices.

Industry Response

The National Confectioners Association reassured consumers in a statement to Forbes, asserting that “chocolate and cocoa are safe to eat and can be enjoyed as treats as they have been for centuries,” and emphasized that “food safety and product quality remain” their highest priorities.

The study did not disclose which brands had higher levels of heavy metals, as the researchers aimed to assess contamination trends in popular cocoa products over several years. The products tested are likely familiar to consumers, but the specific brands were not identified.

Should You Stop Eating Chocolate?

In summary, no. The researchers concluded that the levels of heavy metals found in the chocolate are unlikely to be biologically significant for most people, who consume these products infrequently and in small amounts. However, the findings highlight the need for improved food standards and guidelines regarding heavy metal contamination. The researchers also called for enhanced surveillance and further research into the cumulative effects of multiple food sources of contamination.

Can Heavy Metal Exposure in Food Be Avoided?

Unfortunately, avoiding heavy metal exposure in food is not feasible. Leigh Frame, the study’s lead author and director of integrative medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, explained to NBC News that heavy metals can naturally enter foods from soil and water during growth, or at various stages of packaging, drying, processing, and transportation. For instance, cocoa, rice, cereals, potatoes, and tobacco can absorb cadmium from the soil, while lead can be introduced during the production of cocoa products. Although small amounts of these metals can be excreted from the body through sweat and urine, high levels can accumulate and cause harm. Cadmium, at high levels, is a carcinogen and can damage the lungs, bones, and kidneys. The CDC states that there are no safe levels of lead in children’s blood, as it can interfere with brain development and damage the nervous system. Frame emphasized that the goal is not to avoid heavy metals entirely but to ensure that intake remains low. Consuming a varied diet and limiting foods known to have higher levels of heavy metals can help. Frame also suggested that improved quality control during harvesting and manufacturing, along with better surveillance, could mitigate the issue.

The researchers discovered that organic products were more likely to contain higher levels of cadmium and lead. Interestingly, the number of trade certifications, such as Non-GMO and Fairtrade, did not significantly affect the levels of heavy metals found in the surveyed products.

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Dr. Shubhangi Jha

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