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India has the highest rate of suicides worldwide

Experts in health note that depression is the main cause, a mental disorder that can be inherited by certain people and brought on by specific types of stress.

India holds the dubious distinction of being the country with the highest rate of suicides globally. A National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) study published in April states that 1.71 lakh Indians took their own lives in 2022. The suicide rate in India has risen to 12.4 per 1,000 people, the highest number ever noted.

Experts stated on Thursday that suicide is the biggest public health issue affecting individuals in India, regardless of age, even as the most recent suicide case involving a father and son in Mumbai horrified us.

Experts in health note that depression is the main cause, a mental disorder that can be inherited by certain people and brought on by specific types of stress.

highest rate of suicides
Image Source: Cafe Dissensus Everyday

Rajiv Mehta, Vice Chairperson, Institute of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, told IANS that “the most common underlying reason for suicide is depression, which in layman’s language we call stress.” Other reasons may include impulsivity or other factors, but depression accounts for the majority of suicide cases.

Common Pressures Leading to India’s Highest Rate of Suicides

According to the doctor, job, money, relationships, and health are among the typical pressures in life.

“These are the four common areas where the ups and downs in life can produce stress and slowly when stress becomes severe, it gets converted into anxiety and depression, which leads to suicide,” he explained.

Studies also indicate that about 50 to 90 per cent of individuals who die by suicide also suffer from mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Public Health Crisis:

“Today, suicide is the largest public health crisis facing India. It is the leading cause of death among youth. Suicide can occur impulsively during periods of extreme stress, and those who are vulnerable may struggle to cope with such stressors as financial difficulties, medical conditions, or personal loss. Loneliness and isolation are also significant risk factors,” Shyam Bhat, Psychiatrist and Chairperson, LiveLoveLaugh, told IANS.

“The rising trend of suicide in India is quite concerning and calls for attention,” added Shambhavi Jaiman, Consultant Psychiatrist, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.

The doctor told IANS that in addition to mental health issues or mental illnesses like depression, other contributing factors include economic stress, unemployment, financial instability, massive debt from their business for whatever reason, family conflicts, and marital discord—all of which can lead to hopelessness.

Sadly, conversations concerning suicide are generally held in quiet owing to shame and fear, which only serves to heighten its mystery.

Shyam called for offering genuine support without judgement or unsolicited advice to people in distress and helping them seek guidance.

“If you notice someone feeling depressed or down, encourage them. Offer support in helping them connect with a mental health professional who can provide perspective and guidance,” he said.

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