
Hospitalization risk doubled for diabetes and hypertension patients on hot days: Study

The research, over a span of more than 10 years in Spain, revealed that extreme heat adversely affects individuals with diabetes and high blood pressure.

A recent study found that individuals with metabolic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are highly likely to be hospitalized on the hottest days, compared to days with more moderate temperatures. Research conducted in Spain for over 10 years revealed that during extreme hot days, the chances of hospitalization nearly doubled for people with diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure). 

Heat and Air Pollution Exacerbate Hospitalization Risks for Diabetes and Hypertension

Hicham Achebak, a researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health said, “There are a number of reasons to explain this. For example, in people with obesity, heat loss responses work less efficiently, as body fat acts as an insulator, making them more susceptible to heat disorders”.

diabetes and hypertension
Source: WION

The researchers in fact also observed that higher levels of air pollution further increase the likelihood of hospitalization for individuals with these conditions, including diabetes. The study revealed that on warmer days, males exhibited an elevated risk of hospital admission due to injuries, whereas females were mostly admitted for infectious diseases, hormonal and metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases, or urinary ailments.

“Under conditions of heat stress, the body activates cutaneous vasodilation (more blood flows to the skin) and sweat production in order to lose heat. The subsequent reactions can affect people differently depending on a series of factors, such as age, sex or pre-existing health conditions,” said Dr. Achebak. 

“We know, for example, that women have a higher temperature threshold above which sweating mechanisms are activated and are more susceptible to the effects of heat,” he added. 

The researchers analyzed data from over 11.2 million emergency hospitals between 2006 and 2019 across 48 provinces in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, a group of islands in the Mediterranean Sea off Spain’s eastern coast.

The study revealed that high temperatures had a significant impact on specific causes of hospital admissions. Children under one year old and adults over 85 years old were found to be the most vulnerable age groups, with heat increasing the risk of hospitalization across all age ranges.

The researchers also found that incidents of kidney failure and kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and sepsis significantly increased the likelihood of hospitalization during extremely hot days.

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