
NCP MP urges govt for regulation on violent online video games

Research indicates that exposure to violent media can negatively impact cognitive development, emotional control, and the brain’s frontal regions.

During a recent Zero Hour session in the Rajya Sabha, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Rajya Sabha member Fauzia Khan raised an alarm about the detrimental effects of violent online video games on children. Khan voiced her concerns regarding the increasing exposure of young audiences to these games, which are often laden with themes unsuitable for their developmental stage. According to Khan, many popular video games, including PUBG, Call of Duty, GTA, and the Blue Whale Challenge, contain content characterized by wanton violence, foul language, substance abuse, sexual content, and gender stereotypes. This exposure, she argues, can contribute to aggressive behavior, anxiety, and other psychological issues among children.

Khan’s apprehensions are not without basis. Research has demonstrated that violent online video games can significantly impact a child’s cognitive development and emotional control. The repetitive exposure to violent content can negatively affect the brain’s frontal regions, which are crucial for decision-making and impulse control. In her speech, Khan highlighted a tragic case from Pune where a 15-year-old boy, influenced by video game content, committed suicide by jumping from a 14th-floor building. This incident underscores the severe consequences that can arise from unchecked exposure to violent online video games.

Lack of Regulation and Need for Action

Despite the evident risks associated with violent online video games, India currently lacks specific legislation to regulate this digital content. The absence of a comprehensive legal framework means that there is no dedicated body overseeing and categorizing gaming content to ensure it is appropriate for children. This regulatory gap highlights a critical issue, as many video games continue to reach young audiences without sufficient scrutiny.

violent online video games
Image Source: Wikipedia

Khan’s call for a dedicated division to oversee gaming content is a step towards addressing this concern. She advocated for the involvement of various stakeholders, including educators, psychologists, and industry experts, to establish guidelines and standards for video games. Such measures could help mitigate the adverse effects of violent content by ensuring that games marketed to children adhere to stringent content standards.

Furthermore, Khan emphasized the importance of counseling and support services for teenagers at risk. Providing mental health support and guidance for young individuals exposed to violent online video games could help them navigate and cope with the negative influences they encounter. This approach not only addresses the immediate concerns but also fosters a healthier environment for children to engage with digital content.

Judicial System Struggles

In a related development, Sushmita Dev (TMC) raised another pressing issue during the session: the need for an increase in the number of constitutional benches of the Supreme Court and regional benches of the High Courts. Dev highlighted the backlog of pending cases and the challenges faced by citizens in accessing justice due to resource constraints and geographical distances. Her statement, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” encapsulates the frustration many feel regarding the slow pace of judicial proceedings in India.

The growing caseload and delays in the judicial system have a direct impact on citizens’ ability to seek timely redress and justice. Increasing the number of constitutional and regional benches could alleviate some of these issues by decentralizing the judicial workload and making it more accessible to people across different regions. This reform could improve the efficiency of the judicial system and ensure that justice is delivered in a timely manner, addressing another critical aspect of the broader legislative and administrative challenges faced by the country.

violent online video games
Image Source: WIRED

The concerns raised by Fauzia Khan about the impact of violent online video games on children highlight a significant issue that needs immediate attention. The lack of regulation and oversight, combined with the severe psychological effects of these games, calls for a comprehensive approach to safeguarding young audiences. Establishing regulatory frameworks and providing support services are essential steps in addressing these challenges. Additionally, the call for judicial reform by Sushmita Dev underscores the need for a more efficient and accessible legal system. Both issues reflect broader concerns about the well-being of individuals and the effective functioning of institutions in India.

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Dr. Shubhangi Jha

Avid reader, infrequent writer, evolving

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