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Indian astrologer predicts exact date of World War 3

The strongest astrological alignment for the start of World War Three is Tuesday, June 18, 2024, according to the astrologer, however, June 10 and June 29 may also be important dates.

Indian astrologer, Kushal Kumar, who uses planetary charts to forecast future events, has ‘predicted’ that World War 3 is just weeks away, in a Medium post he later shared on LinkedIn.

“Now, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger World War 3 although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well,” Kushal Kumar added.

Rising Tensions Leading to World War 3

Based in Panchkula, Haryana, Kumar’s focus extended beyond international issues. He suggested that certain international leaders would find it difficult to manage these rising tensions, which might result in grave illnesses, resignations, or even military takeovers in weak areas. His forecast for 2024 is especially concerning; he notes that May 8 will be a critical day for rising hostilities in hotspots such as the Middle East, the Koreas, China-Taiwan, and Ukraine-Russia.

“2024 was predicted to be majorly worrisome in relation to World War 3conditions in hotspots across the world, particularly around May 8 – it was indicated carrying highest escalation in such war fronts as Koreas, China-Taiwan, the Middle East involving Israel and others in the Middle East, and Ukraine-Russia, anger of NATO could also find expression,” he wrote.

“Some persons charged with authority to govern in some countries may find it tough and hard to cope up with the major worrisome emerging scenario. Some are likely to be seriously unwell or may even resign. Upheavals in the political scene cannot be ruled out. In short, where vulnerable, the contemporary planetary movements suggest that army may step in to take overall control,” Mr Kumar further said in his post on Medium.

The strongest astrological alignment for the start of WW3 is Tuesday, June 18, 2024, according to the astrologer, however, June 10 and June 29 may also be important dates. The claims come just days after UK officials launched a website to tell Brits what they need to stock up on in the event of war breaking out.

For many years, there has been much discussion and conjecture about the possibility of a World War 3. Given how deeply ingrained the devastation caused by the previous two world wars is in people’s memories, the prospect of another major war is both unsettling and alluring. Numerous astrologers, such as Nostradamus and Baba Vanga, have prophesied World War 3, although its likelihood is still unknown. However, there are times when stories concerning these forecasts keep coming up on social media and garner a lot of attention.

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