Mumbai Police has registered a case against Asit Kumarr Modi, the producer of the popular television show "Taarak Mehta ka Oolta Chashmah," as well as Sohail Ramani, the operation head, and Jatin Bajaj, the executive producer. The case was filed following a complaint from Jennifer Mistry, one of the actresses on the show.

As per reports, Powai Police has registered FIR as per sections 354 and 509 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), these sections pertain to offenses of assault or criminal force to a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty and using words, gestures, or acts intended to insult the modesty of a woman, respectively.

Jennifer Mistry, who had been a cast of the show for 15 years, has alleged that she faced inappropriate behavior from Asit Kumarr Modi. She claimed that he would make uncharitable comments, and in March 2019 during a trip to Singapore, he made remarks like, "Come to my room, let's have whisky." Mistry made these allegations after quitting the show.

In response to Jennifer Mistry's allegations of inappropriate behavior, Asit Kumarr Modi and other team members of the show have countered by claiming that her exit from the show was a result of her own misbehavior.

They have dismissed the sexual harassment allegations as baseless. Modi has further stated his intention to take legal action against Mistry for attempting to defame him and the show. 

The show's directors, Harshad Joshi, Rushi Dave, and Armaan Dhanesha, have also accused Mistry of lacking discipline and focus in her work. These conflicting claims and counterclaims have intensified the controversy surrounding the show and may result in further legal proceedings to ascertain the truth.