
Indian Army is preparing to deploy robot mules capable of surveillance and hunting terrorists

These state-of-the-art machines have two main purposes: surveillance and transporting light loads across challenging terrains

The Indian Army is preparing to introduce its first fleet of robot mules (Multi-Utility Legged Equipment), designed to function like dogs. These state-of-the-art machines have two main purposes: surveillance and transporting light loads across challenging terrains. This introduction marks a significant step in the army’s efforts to modernize its operational capabilities through technology.

According to a report by The Print, which cites sources within the defense establishment, the Indian Army placed an order for 100 MULE robotic dogs in September of last year under an emergency procurement scheme, allowing contracts up to Rs 300 crore. Recently, a pre-dispatch inspection of 25 MULEs was completed, and these units are expected to join the army’s ranks soon.

robot mules
Image Source: IDRW

What can robot mules dogs do, and why does the Indian Army want them?

  • Surveillance: The MULE robotic dogs come equipped with thermal cameras and various sensors, enabling them to conduct surveillance in diverse environments, especially in steep and uneven terrains. Their purpose is to enhance the army’s surveillance capabilities without endangering human lives.
  • Supply Transport: These MULEs can also carry small loads to frontline soldiers, ensuring critical supplies reach their intended recipients.
  • Risk Reduction: Primarily intended for surveillance in mountainous regions or areas where targets may be concealed, these robotic dogs minimize the risk to human soldiers or canine units during dangerous situations.
  • Advanced Features: The MULEs boast advanced surveillance and reconnaissance features, including high-resolution cameras and real-time data sensors. This technology enhances situational awareness, allowing the army to monitor enemy movements and assess hazardous situations from a safe distance.
  • Combat Potential: Remarkably, these robotic dogs can be equipped with small arms, enabling them to engage enemies if necessary. This capability adds a new dimension to how the army can confront threats.

If the initial deployment of these 25 robotic MULEs proves successful, the Indian Army may place a larger order, significantly enhancing its capability to conduct surveillance and transport supplies in challenging terrains, further integrating robotics into its operational framework.

Future of Robotics in Modern Warfare

While some defense experts argue that the traditional battlefield is fading, replaced by cyber warfare, the reality is more complex. The traditional battlefield persists, now intertwined with the increasing deployment of robotics and AI. China, a significant military threat to India, has already integrated robotic dogs into its operations. Earlier this year, during a joint military exercise with Cambodia, China showcased two versions of these robots: one weighing 50 kg, equipped with an assault rifle, and a lighter 15 kg model for reconnaissance missions.

Given the geopolitical tensions between China and India, the induction of robotic MULE dogs aligns with the Indian Army’s broader strategy to incorporate artificial intelligence and robotics. By leveraging these advanced technologies, the army aims to enhance operational efficiency, improve personnel safety, and maintain a technological edge in modern warfare.

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Dr. Shubhangi Jha

Avid reader, infrequent writer, evolving

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