A 9-year-old girl Gislayne Silva de Deus from Boa Vista in Roraima, brazil who lost her dad Giraldo Jose Vicente de Deus to a tragic death became a police officer, now at the age of 35, almost 25 years after her father’s death she rightfully arrested the convict. 

The incident 


The incident happened in 1999 as Geraldo, the owner of a store, was playing pool with a friend. One of his suppliers, Raimundo Alves Gomes, questioned him during the game regarding a 20-pound debt. Giraldo offered to give Gomes a freezer as a way to end the argument, but Gomes turned him down, and as a result of their disagreement, he shot Giraldo.

Gomes was found in 2013 and given a 12-year prison term for the killing. Through a series of appeals, he was able to escape serving his term. Later Gomes went into hiding and eluded discovery for years even after his last appeal was turned down in 2016.


Justice delivered 


After this incident, Gislayne committed her life to track down her father's killer because she was determined to see justice served. 

At the age of 18, she started studying law and she finally joined the General Homicide Division of the police department. She eventually captured Gomes who was then 60 years old on a farm in the Nova Cidade neighborhood of Boa Vista after years of searching. 

"It’s because of me that you’re here. Now you will pay," she told him when they came face to face, reporters say. Gomez was again sentenced to serve 12 years in prison.

Emotional and overwhelmed after the arrest of her father's killer Gislayne said, "When I saw the man who was responsible for my dad's death was finally in handcuffs, I couldn't hold back the tears... as it seemed like this day would never come,"