Covid-19 has not only become a pandemic but also a crisis all around the world since 2020. The second wave has engulfed India in a way that there is no escape. If that was not enough, there is a new infection that has been discovered recently. Black Fungus or Mucormycosis is a rare fungal disease that is caused by a group of nods known as mucormycosis, as per the reports by Centres of Disease Control and Prevention. 

Those who have contracted this infection resulted in blindness and other serious issues. Mucormycosis is caused to those whose immune system is low. The fungus is contacted via fungal spores. However, CDC said that it is not transferable as compared to coronavirus. 

There have been at least 100 cases of black fungus found in Gujarat. Five patients suffering from these diseases have been operated on in Ahmedabad. Mainly these have contracted by the covid-19 patients who have been recently recovered. Medical experts say that the intake of steroids increases and decreases the immunity of the covid-19 patients. Due to this, this infection has been on the rise. 

Yesterday, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Affairs has come up with the guidelines for screening, diagnosis and management of the disease. Here are some of the list dos and don’t along with signs and symptoms. 

Sign and Symptom 

There is redness and pain around the eyes. Followed by coughing, fever headache, shortness of breath and bloody vomiting. In extreme cases, there are chances that the person might develop an altered mental state. 


The person who is susceptible to this infection might suffer from uncontrollable diabetes mellitus, immunosuppression by steroids,co-morbidities - post-transplant/malignancy, voriconazole therapy followed by prolonged ICU stay.

Necessary Dos. 

A person should ensure to maintain his/her blood glucose level and diabetes by having a proper balance diet post covid-19 recovery. 

The intake of steroids should be done under medical supervision with correct timing and duration.  The same is the case during the intake of antibiotics.

During oxygen therapy, humidifiers are important. Therefore, it is necessary to use clean and distilled water for it. 

Control Hyperglycemia.

Necessary Don’ts

Do not ignore the warning of sign and symptoms.

A blocked nose isn’t the only sign of black fungus particularly in the context of immunosuppression and/or COVID-19 patients on immunomodulators. 

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor or to seek aggressive investigations for detecting any fungal conditions. 

Do not miss out on the initial treatment of mucormycosis. 

Preventive measures

Wear a mask only if you are going to any construction area.

While gardening, wear shoes, big trousers, a long-sleeved shirt and gloves.

And last but not the least, maintain personal hygiene. 

Which doctor should you consult? 

  • Microbiologist 
  • Internal Medicine Specialist
  • ENT Specialist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Biochemist
  • Intensivist Neurologist