
Family seeks ‘ghost’ groom in matrimonial ad 30 years after daughter’s death

The family is on the hunt for a 'spirit' groom for their daughter, who passed away three decades ago.

In Karnataka, an unusual notice was recently seen gracing the pages of a local newspaper. A family seeking a groom for their daughter. Nothing unusual, you might think, until you learn the staggering truth — the bride has been deceased for three decades!

This news comes from a family in Puttur, Karnataka, where they made headlines by posting a unique ad in a local paper. They are on the hunt for a ‘spirit’ groom for their daughter, who passed away three decades ago.

The advertisement, in the written records of odd happenings, holds a special meaning as the advertisement even specifies the type of groom they are looking for. It read, “Seeking a boy for a girl from Kulal caste and Bangera (gotra). The child died about 30 years ago. In case there is a boy of the same caste and different Bari, who died 30 years ago and the family is willing to perform Pretha Maduve.”

Surprisingly, the family even received a response to their plea. As a sign that people care about old customs and feelings, “more than 50 people have shown they’re interested in joining the special marriage idea, even after someone has passed away” as reported by a relative of the deceased woman.

But what lies behind this mystifying ritual, you might wonder? The answer to your question is “Pretha Maduve” — a sacred ceremony steeped in tradition and belief, primarily practised in the hallowed lands of Tulunadu, including the coastal districts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi in Karnataka, India. Translated as “Spirit Marriage” or “Ghost Marriage,” is an ancient ritual, conducted between two deceased individuals that symbolises the eternal union of souls, bridging the difference between the earthly realm and the realm beyond.

The significance of Pretha Maduve lies in mortal understanding, rooted deeply in the cultural and spiritual fabric of the community. It is a solemn affirmation of the enduring nature of love, stretching beyond the boundaries of life and death. For those who participate in this sacred ritual, it serves as a light of hope amidst the shadows of loss, an evidence to the unbreakable bonds that bind us to our loved ones, even in death.

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