In the small town of Belcastro in southern Italy, Mayor Antonio Torchia made a very unusual rule: people are not allowed to get sick. This surprising order has attracted a lot of attention. The mayor said he made this rule to bring attention to serious problems with the town's healthcare services.

Belcastro has about 1,300 people, most of whom are elderly, and they struggle with healthcare issues. The only health centre in the town is often closed, which makes it hard for people to get medical help, especially during holidays, emergencies, or at night. The closest emergency centre is 45 kilometres away, in a city called Catanzaro. Mayor Torchia said, “We take this order as a joke, but it aims to shed light on a serious issue.”

Mayor urges residents to stay safe, but questions remain

The mayor has told the people not to do things that could cause injury or sickness, like travelling, playing sports, or taking part in dangerous activities. However, it is not clear how this rule will be followed. The rule will stay until the local health centre can stay open all the time.

When asked about this strange rule, Mayor Torchia invited people to stay in the town for a week. He said, “By staying here, you will realise for yourself that if there is a medical emergency, reaching Catanzaro on time is the only hope. Try this and then tell me if you think this situation is acceptable.”

Belcastro is one of the poorest places in Italy, and it is losing younger people who move to bigger cities for jobs. Now, most of the people who live there are elderly. In 2021, more than 75% of Calabria’s 320 towns had fewer than 5,000 people. Some towns even offer money to bring in new people to live there.