Have you ever wondered which country’s people have the biggest penises? Well, the answer is here! Scientists have conducted research to discover which nation has the largest average penis size. And surprisingly, it's not the United States.

Sudan tops the list

A report from 2014 in the BJU International Sexual Medicine journal shows that Sudan has the biggest average penis size in the world. Men in Sudan have an average erect penis size of 7.07 inches, which is almost two inches longer than the global average of 5.1 to 5.5 inches. To gather this information, scientists looked at data from different countries, where health experts measured the penis sizes of groups of 50 or more people. However, some of the information was self-reported, which means the numbers could be a bit higher than they actually are.

After Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) comes in second place with an average penis size of 7.05 inches. Ecuador is third with 6.93 inches, followed by the Republic of the Congo with 6.83 inches and Ghana with 6.81 inches. These countries are among the top nations in terms of average penis size.

United States and other countries perform lower

Surprisingly, the United States is ranked 68th on the list, with an average penis size of 5.57 inches. Canada ranks even lower, with an average size of 5.48 inches. Many people might have expected the U.S. to have a higher ranking due to its "bigger is better" reputation, but it wasn't the lowest.

The country with the smallest average penis size is Thailand, where the average is just 3.72 inches. Other Asian countries like North Korea (3.78 inches), Cambodia (3.88 inches), and Nepal (3.93 inches) also have smaller averages. Myanmar comes in at 3.97 inches, completing the list of countries with the smallest averages.

The study also checked the girth, or thickness, of penises, and France leads with an average girth of 5.37 inches. The Netherlands and Ecuador follow closely. The U.S. is ranked 39th in girth with an average of 4.81 inches.

In the end, while size can be a topic of interest, it's important to remember that every person and country is different.