
IISc physicists discover a new way to represent Pi while studying string theory

Professor Aninda Sinha and post-doctoral researcher Arnab Saha, were responsible for the discovery

The irrational value of pi has always been a headache during calculations. In a coincidental discovery, this problem has been resolved by Physicists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), who have founded a novel series representation for the irrational number pi represented as “π”. This discovery will simplify calculations in quantum physics. 

string theory
Image Source: Indian Institute of Science

String Theory and Physical Phenomena: A New Approach

The discovery was made while studying the string theory and its application in explaining certain physical phenomena. This discovery simplifies the extraction of pi from calculations related to deciphering processes such as the quantum scattering of high-energy particles. The discovery will allow the scientists to easily simplify the value of Pi.

“The new formula under a certain limit closely reaches the representation of pi suggested by Indian mathematician Sangamagrama Madhava in the 15th century, which was the first ever series for pi recorded in history,” the IISc stated.

Professor Aninda Sinha and post-doctoral researcher Arnab Saha, from the Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP) carried out the study which was aimed at developing a model with fewer yet more precise parameters to better understand the particle interactions.

“We were excited when we got a new way to look at pi,” said prof Sinha. “Our efforts, initially, were never to find a way to look at pi,” Sinha added as their main aim was to better understand the particle interaction.

He further stated that “Physicists (and mathematicians) have missed this so far since they did not have the right tools, which were only found through work we have been doing with collaborators over the last three years or so.”

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